July 2010

Great octopi of our time, No.2: Paul.

Submitted by Rick Eyre on July 8 2010, 2:30 pm

Following last December's stunning revelation of graphic footage of a coconut-carrying octopus comes the news that an Oberhausen cephalopod by the name of Paul has correctly predicted the outcome of every match Germany has played in the current FIFA World Cup. Including their semi-final loss to Spain this morning, of which El Pais reported, "El pulpo acertó."

From Newsvine to Delicious

Submitted by Rick Eyre on July 2 2010, 12:16 pm

I have decided to deprecate the use of Newsvine as the clippings service on rickeyre.com from 1 July 2010. Any new clippings that I bookmark from that date will be held on delicious.

The reasons include delicious' greater flexibility, configurability, wider user base, and (important) the existence of an API. Delicious is owned these days by Yahoo!, while Newsvine is part the new-media extension of old-media behemoths NBC and the Washington Post.