September 2008

Brownie, you're doing one heckuva job

Submitted by Rick Eyre on September 11 2008, 3:53 pm

Matt Brown's tenure at NSW Minister for Police lasted less than 72 hours. The reasons why can be found on news websites all over the world, for example, the San Francisco Chronicle.

Compare this, by the way, to an incident eight years ago involving the recently-promoted Finance Minister, Joseph Guerino Tripodi.

Doomsday prediction of the week - TEOCAWKIAGWHNTDWI.

Submitted by Rick Eyre on September 10 2008, 10:31 am

Almost seven years to the day since a wacky science-fiction plot unfolded in the skies of New York, comes the event that will suck Switzerland into the centre of the Earth (or so we can hope), or it will be The End Of Civilisation As We Know It And Global Warming Had Nothing To Do With It.

Great moments in absentee voting

Submitted by Rick Eyre on September 6 2008, 7:37 pm

Let's hope today's Western Australian state election isn't decided by 29 votes or less. The people of Eucla, near the South Australian border and more than 1400 kilometres from Perth, have been disenfranchised from today's poll. The state electoral commission forgot to organise a polling booth and then couldn't get the postal votes to them in time.

Great day for New South Wales

Submitted by Rick Eyre on September 6 2008, 10:34 am

Friday was arguably the most tumultuous day in New South Wales politics since Jack Lang was sacked on May 13, 1932. Firstly Michael Costa was axed as State Treasurer by Premier Morris Iemma, then Iemma himself resigned after his attempt to reshuffle cabinet was nixed by his caucus.

And all this happened two days after deputy premier John Watkins resigned from parliament to become CEO of Alzheimers Australia.