OK so where's the podcast?

Submitted by Rick Eyre on March 2 2006, 6:08 am

I promised when The Net Sessions began that I would try to keep to a minimum of one podcast a month. I didn't do a podcast in February. Sorry.

Busy, and frankly, a bit uninspired. Some of it has already been recorded, including a response to some of the feedback I have received. So maybe I'll get around to post-production next week.

I'm rather surprised, actually, that I've had more than 800 accesses to the podcasts in February, despite the fact that I haven't put out a new one since the beginning of January. (The podcast accesses for January totalled 1731, by far the busiest month to date).

Of course, if you haven't listened to any of the podcasts of The Net Sessions yet, please do so at www.thenetsessions.net

If anyone's interested in providing sponsorship for a weekly or fortnightly podcast on cricket, including interviews and features and aimed at an international audience - ie, what I'd like The Net Sessions to be - please drop me a message via the feedback page. It's amazing what can be achieved when you have the resources to achieve them.

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