September 2012

Daily Twitter Posts - 01/09/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on September 2 2012, 8:41 am

23:04 vale Max Bygraves. #
21:19 Canterbury @NRL_Bulldogs minor premiers in both #NRL and #VBNSWCup. Congratulations! #
15:42 Clint Eastwood, Paint Your Wagon, and a chair. The videos are on my blog - #
14:49 from September 2004, my bloggage of the Republican National Convention (if only I had the time to do that this year) #
14:36 reasons I should blog more often no.877: the joy of discovering stuff I wrote about GW Bush 8 years ago that I'd totally forgotten about #
13:02 Ugh RT @darrenrovell: Seattle's Best announces it will sell a bacon-flavored coffee in the near future #
12:28 The #RNC as seen by @willdurst: GOP wrap up. #
11:08 So are any of the Liberals who are running for #Marrickville council on Twitter? They're being very quiet if they are. #nswlocal #nswce #
08:10 Hollywood twitter reaction to Clint Eastwood's #RNC monologue. Not everyone hates it - #
07:44 so is the Sydney Morning Herald putting out a special redundancy edition today full of valedictory columns? Would have boosted today's sales #
07:30 Great game in the #wcbasketball with the Rollers just holding out Turkey! #paralympics #
07:12 oh this #WCbasketball game on #ABC1 is on delay. I shall remain silent then. (Australia v Turkey) #
07:03 No wonder the NBC doesn't care about the #Paralympics if the USA is only 6th in the medal count. #

I talk to the chair but it doesn't listen to me

Submitted by Rick Eyre on September 1 2012, 3:38 pm

The Republican four-day infomercial drew to a close at Tampa, Florida on Thursday, even if the first day was curtailed due to the threat of Cyclone/Hurricane Isaac. To no one's surprise, Mittens Romney won the nomination as the GOP candidate for the electoral college candidates who will, in turn, be chosen by the American people on November 6.

Daily Twitter Posts - 31/08/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on September 1 2012, 5:38 am

20:52 Washington Post's factchecker @GlennKesslerWP on the Mittens acceptance speech - #RNC #
20:46 Clint Eastwood and a chair, the transcript - #
18:28 I long ago stopped following @PeterPhelpsMLC, he seemed like a Twitter freakshow to me. But why the sudden disappearance? #nswpol #
17:06 The RNC crowd loved Clint. That surely is no surprise. #
16:01 Forty-two years before Clint Eastwood talked to furniture, he talked to the trees - #paintyourwagon #
15:43 #ff @InvisibleObama Because if Clint Eastwood can see him, then we should follow him too. #
15:19 thank you Clint, you have truly made my day. Oh dear #
15:12 to be fair to Clint, he's just warming up for the 2016 convention #
15:07 I suppose I should watch Clint Eastwood's speech then #
14:22 It always makes me uncomfortable that the anti-CSG movement has adopted Alan Jones as a champion. Another reason why - #
11:04 @dg79 no. I'm thinking it was better for not going that far. #
10:50 someone must have a trademark on "Labor Supports Motherhood". #nswlocal #
10:49 Run this past me again: "Labor Loves Live Music" is an honest to god, ruly truly campaign slogan? #nswlocal #
09:17 There was no pretend Robert Smith, which is probably a good thing. #thecure #fathersdaybrekky #
09:07 You haven't lived till you've heard The Cure's Close To Me performed by primary school choir accompanied by teachers ukelele ensemble. #
08:37 Best. Cure. Cover. Ever. #fathersdaybrekky #
08:23 Good breakfast but it would be nice if they had a sound system working. Band and choir are almost inaudible in the racket. #fathersdaybrekky #
07:46 #wcbasketball RT @Team_SA_2012: SA 39 Australia 93, tough going, but still plenty of games left yet. #
07:19 It's the Friday before the first Sunday morning in September, and that means one thing: getting up early to attend a Father's Day breakfast #