youtube do dia

Kev the Kamel Killer

Submitted by Rick Eyre on August 5 2009, 8:38 pm

Kevin Rudd kills camels. He orders targeted air strikes against camels. Maybe he even dons the hard hat and flies the strike missions himself.

CNBC's Erin Burnett, obviously auditioning for a spot on Fox News, accused our Prime Minister of being a serial killer of camels on Jim Cramer's Mad Money on Tuesday.

More programmatic specificity next time please, Ms Burnett.


Submitted by Rick Eyre on January 1 2009, 12:51 am

Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year 2009!

And to get the year rolling, the first and probably worst Youtube video that I will present in 2009, mainly because it was shot by me with a small digital camera profoundly unsuited to the task at hand.

Yep, it's the view from my window several kilometres away of Sydney's great annual ostentatious emission of lots of carbon. It does get better towards the end, and yes, it did look better from the naked eye.

Youtube do dia ultimo: It's Time to Go For Growth

Submitted by Rick Eyre on November 24 2007, 12:37 am

The day of Howard's End is upon us, and of all the election-related videos, serious and otherwise, that I have featured over the last 728 years of the campaign, two stand out: Chairman Kev is one, the other is my Grand Final Election Youtube Do Dia.

Presenting the music video of "It's Time to Go For Growth" by the Axis of Awesome.