nsw constitution

New South Wales government. Wet paper bag. Go the bag!

Submitted by Rick Eyre on June 25 2009, 1:35 pm

"The Hon. TONY KELLY (Minister for Police, Minister for Lands, and Minister for Rural Affairs) [12.36 a.m.]: I move:

That the House at its rising this day do adjourn until Tuesday 1 September 2009 at 2.30 p.m.

The Hon. DON HARWIN [12.36 a.m.]: Mr President, I move:

That the question be amended by deleting the words—

The PRESIDENT: Order! In accordance with precedent, as there is no Minister or Parliamentary Secretary in the House, I will now leave the chair until the ringing of the long bell.

How to constitutionally remove the NSW Government

Submitted by Rick Eyre on January 29 2009, 8:31 pm

"KERRY O'BRIEN: Given the mood in this State you could do what the Liberal Government in Tasmania did in 1998 and what the German Government has done twice post war and have an early election.

You could circumvent the four year fixed term by organising a vote of no confidence in your own government and going to the Governor for dissolution; put yourselves out of your misery.


NATHAN REES: Is that a serious suggestion?

KERRY O'BRIEN: Well, It is. It would be against your own self interest though, wouldn’t it?"