Late-career masterpieces. This week, John Laws

Submitted by Rick Eyre on October 3 2012, 3:41 pm

I like promoting on these pages the efforts of elderly artistes in the aftermath of their prime. Last month, I presented former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood's splendid improv act with an imaginary Barack Obama and a real chair.

Today, I present to you Mister John Laws, star of 2SM and syndicated radio stations across New South Wales, interviewed on ABC's 7.30 last night by Leigh Sales with regard to his former stablemate and adversary (often all at once) Belford Parrott.

The man who everyone though had retired years ago (and in fact did for a while) made a surprise return to the visual media to participate in six minutes of what is either the world's most grotesque flirt piece or Australian television's biggest waste of taxpayer's oxygen (not to mention taxpayer's carbon):

As Lawsie reminded us in that interview, "I'm a performer". With that in mind, as a bonus here is a reminder of his thespian tour de force as hippie Claude Fitzgerald in the 1971 Googie Withers classic "Nickel Queen":