Daily Twitter Posts - 15/05/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on May 16 2012, 5:02 pm

15:14 If you only want to subscribe to one list on Twitter, then I've created the list for you - https://t.co/phw0Ion8 #
10:43 The new darling of the Right? #auspol RT @lyndalcurtis: HR Nicholls Society conference dinner speech will be delivered by Kathy Jackson. #
10:42 Obama the "first gay president"? How easily we forget James Buchanan. RT @Salon: http://t.co/THbLQWE9 #
10:39 Powerful Haaretz editorial RT @haaretzonline: #Nakba Day is an irreversible part of #Israel's history http://t.co/wNZdDry3 #
09:58 I wish people who drop 5c coins and think they're not worth picking up would realise that they are, in fact, littering. #
09:55 She's not on one of your record labels, Rupert! RT @rupertmurdoch: My wife told me Rita Wilson has a great album AM/FM out, amazing songs. #
09:49 And look at Kodak today. RT @ashermoses: Kodak had secret nuclear reactor http://t.co/ls9DhqGx #
07:44 Why do people talk about "hitting" x number of followers on Twitter? That's gratitude for you. #
07:31 Is @Joey7Barton the first sportsperson to use promoted tweets for self-publicity? Please don't tell Warnie about this http://t.co/9NvS74yb #