Daily Twitter Posts - 07/05/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on May 8 2012, 4:16 pm

23:17 Wohoo! RT @everyword: prawning #
20:28 Well duh! That's 800% up on the 6-7pm hour? RT @statweestics: #abc730 is getting popular, +800% the last hour : http://t.co/lks0fEh1 #
18:03 Send it back. RT @chrisberg: found a typo in the HSU report: mistrial #
18:02 I really wish people would say "re-signing" and not "resigning" when they mean "re-signing". #nrl #
18:01 Could UEFA be left with no takers to host Euro 2020? RT @WorldSoccerMag: http://t.co/osCbP7pb #
17:48 A pity that the FWA HSU report wasn't released tomorrow during Budget lockup time. #auspol #
17:43 All 1127 pages. RT @_JustinStevens_: The full FWA report into #HSU has just been published. Here it is here: http://t.co/6aQcYWgW #auspol #
14:36 So who was responsible for Mark Stockwell's axing as #GoldCoast2018 #CWG chairman? http://t.co/WU4NMaVM #qldpol #
13:08 Who balances who? RT @ABCNews24: Watch: Liberal Senator's Eric Abetz & George Brandis addressing the media in Canberra http://t.co/qoPKbYfR #
12:37 Oh dear. RT @MegClement: Beyoncé wins journalism award. I give up on everything. http://t.co/f96BGXDa #
12:19 Ah, so I can actually delete @klout's assessment that I am influential about the Republican Party... #
11:24 Been said before and will be again RT @atompkins: Radical-yes, but read on. Why College Football Should Be Banned - WSJ http://t.co/jrszGxjr #
10:38 Fair go moving forward? We are us. #
09:08 Looks like #FairGo is the official Budget hashtag from the PM's office. The Twitter reaction is, well, as you'd expect... #auspol #
09:04 Erm, I'm going to *write* a blog post. I wasn't turning "blog post" into a verb. Honest. #
09:02 I'm going to blog post about Instagram this week. Don't let me forget. #