Daily Twitter Posts - 25/03/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on March 26 2012, 1:40 pm

18:52 Scottish darts legend Jocky Wilson has died at the age of 62 - http://t.co/I9sFiDNX #
15:23 Attn pedants: "decimate" verb: To destroy much of. http://t.co/KBMvblYo The Bligh Government was decimated by the voters. #qldvotes #
11:45 And in today's episode of #tonyabbottsaidWHAT?? MT @3AW693: "The most conservative thing a woman can do is have a baby" #
08:47 JG congratulates CanDo and thanks AB. #qldvotes RT @AustralianLabor: Queensland election result http://t.co/q6xU6Q7v #AusPol #AusLabor #
08:43 Why is there a #qlddvotes as well as #qldvotes? Is this a clue to the future of Queensland education policy? #
07:31 "Queensland Labor is in crisis" Umm, crisis doesn't quite seem the appropriate word here. #qldvotes #
07:22 Just heard @wil_anderson's Tarago joke repeated on @sunriseon7 (without attribution, of course). #qldvotes #
06:06 Netball. Can Queensland Labor form a netball team? #qldvotes #