Daily Twitter Posts - 13/11/2011

Submitted by dailytwitter on November 14 2011, 7:57 pm

23:42 My hero is my brave little 8 year-old girl who had her appendix taken out this afternoon. Night all. #
23:11 Climate scepticism is an "Anglo-Saxon phenomenon" - Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report http://t.co/rG1erkk1 #
22:27 Whatever you may say about Peter Roebuck as a player, writer and commentator, his disgraceful abuse of power as a coach shouldn't be ignored #
22:02 Hokay. What a weekend it has been. My beautiful daughter no longer has an appendix. #
19:53 In everything I have read today about the late Peter Roebuck, no one has mentioned his 2001 assault conviction: http://t.co/245PnLp9 #
11:42 Shocking news about Peter Roebuck. #cricket #