Daily Twitter Posts - 11/11/2011

Submitted by dailytwitter on November 12 2011, 7:45 pm

23:25 Good to see I got that blog entry posted just before this updated - MT @zimcricket: The ZimCricketNews Daily is out! http://t.co/xtYTX1di #
23:16 My blog post on *yesterday's* play at the Newlands Test. http://t.co/gW9GxPVv #cricket #savaus #
22:00 @timjonesbooks cheers Tim #
21:57 MoM = Vern the Philanderer! #cricket #tinfoiltest #
21:53 "full credit" - MJ Clarke. I bet Italy would love some full credit. #cricket #savaus #drink #
21:37 Less than a day ago, Australia had this Test by the throat. Kapow! #cricket #savaus #tinfoiltest #
21:34 What a stunning stunning victory to the Proteas. Congratulations @OfficialCSA. #cricket #savaus #
21:34 There's my answer. Yes it.is :) #cricket #savaus #
21:29 @suddacai Thanks. Probably won't need to now. @cricketicc #
21:25 Is that playing condition in yet where lunch is delayed if the match is about to end? @cricketicc #cricket #savaus #
21:20 Anticlimax. Very well played Amla. #cricket #savaus #
21:18 Frustrating. I wrote a blog post on the #cricket I wanted up before start of play today. Still struggling to publish :( #
21:10 He's such a good batsman is Amla. #cricket #savaus #
20:40 I cannot see Australia taking 9 more wickets in time :( #cricket #savaus #sunfoiltest #tinfoiltest #
20:07 Now, if only we lived by a hexadecimal numeral system: 0B-0B-0B #
19:59 To the memory of David Shepherd. #cricket RT @gauravCNNIBN: #happening now- south africa are 111/1 on 11-11-11! #
15:43 @timjonesbooks @mcrowl Australia is capable of anything or nothing, sometimes, like last night, both at the same time. #cricket #
13:12 @Geoff_Astle and for the many families that benefit from the solar bonus scheme? #