Daily Twitter Posts - 10/11/2011

Submitted by dailytwitter on November 11 2011, 7:39 pm

23:26 96. #cricket #savaus #tinfoiltest #
23:14 Follow-on averted. Dull draw beckons. #cricket #szvaus #tinfoiltest #
23:03 Watsons on fire! #hackgate #murdoch #savaus #tinfoiltest #
22:08 @lyndalcurtis @mfullilove #stopthepotus #
21:26 Dear @twitter, please remove the Activity tab. I don't want it. It is annoying. Thank you. #
20:24 Hooray! #auspol RT @latikambourke: The Australian Senate has passed the plain packaging laws for cigarettes. #
17:42 Berlusconi falls. Is Zuma next? - http://t.co/YyrMQzYq via @mailandguardian #
17:19 So who invited John Daly to play in the Australian Open in the first place? #golf #
16:23 And in sports news, US college students riot after football coach is sacked for not acting on sex abuse allegations against a subordinate. #
16:18 Change of leadership in a Pacific nation and Aus media fusses about possible impact on our domestic politics. #fail #auspol #nauru #
14:42 #Nauru president Marcus Stephen has resigned. Frederick Pitcher now in charge - http://t.co/fhi5ISRt #
13:57 Thanks for coming, Governor Perry! - http://t.co/a86umnxx #
08:33 And congratulations to @mclarke23 on an excellent captain's knock when Australia needed it most. #cricket #savaus #