Youtubes do dia: Kevin07, John Ol'55, and... Hajnal

Submitted by Rick Eyre on October 16 2007, 5:48 am

More proof that John Howard Simply Doesn't Get It comes with this insistence on releasing Youtube videos at 5am. Does he think the Intertubes Generation will just be rolling in from the nightclubs and logging on at that hour?

No, a more plausible reason is that 5am is a good time to issue video press releases in time for the brekky TV shows, not to mention his radio buddies such as Neil Mitchell and Belford Parrott. And Youtube, of course, is a free medium for videos less than ten minutes long.

For today's Youtubes Do Dia (well, Monday's belatedly) I've put together three videos from across the political spectrum. Firstly, Kevin Rudd's response to John Howard's election announcement speech on Sunday; secondly, JWH himself showing off the fresh shirt that Jeanette has just ironed for him; and thirdly, a video from the Nationals candidate for Forde, a 28 year-old Israeli-born Hungarian-speaking violin-playing Presbyterian by the name of Hajnal Ban.

Forde, situated in south-east Queensland including the Beenleigh and Beaudesert regions, is a safe Liberal seat, which these days doesn't stop the Nats from going in to bat for multiculturalism...