Sydney's Stop The Bombing rally

Submitted by Rick Eyre on August 14 2006, 9:12 am

World's number one terrorist

I didn't intend to go to the Stop The Bombing rally in Sydney yesterday. I was shopping in the city, and as I was finishing up, saw the march in progress further down George Street. So... I hurried on down the road, pulled out the camera, followed the march up King Street and then later met up with the rally again at Hyde Park. I've compiled about five minutes of video which has become my first submission to Youtube.

I've also placed some photos of the occasion onto Flickr, and they can be seen here, but I'll note a few now:

Police with nothing to do, Hyde Park Sydney, 12.8.06
Above: Police forming a ring around the rally at Hyde Park yesterday. They had a pretty boring afternoon, I'm afraid.
St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney
Above: This may seem an innocuous-looking enough photo of St Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral, to the east of Hyde Park. Click on it, however, to go through to Flickr. I've lowered the contrast on the picture... check out the mounted police in the bottom left-hand corner, on standby for any trouble at the rally. There wasn't any.
Above: War memorial monument at the south-western corner of Hyde Park North, adorned with a Socialist Alliance placard from the Stop The Bombing Rally taking place in the background. Australian lighthorsemen gave their lives in 1917 to free Lebanon from the Ottoman Empire. Did they really die so that the Israel of 2006 could bomb southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip back into the dark ages?