We'll miss you Scotty

Submitted by Rick Eyre on May 4 2006, 2:32 am

Tony Snow's impending appointment as Presidential press secretary is a big leap forward in formalising the Fox News Channel's role as official public relations agent for White House Halliburton. However, I'll miss the direct, straight-talking, uncomplicated approach of current press secretary Scott McLellan.

After sergeant schulzing questions about Jorge Walke Arbusto singing The Defence of Fort McHenry in Spanish during the 2000 presidential campaign, Scotty stated the bleeding obvious when the following was put to him at Tuesday's press briefing:

Q Since the President called for the National Anthem in English alone, do you believe there is no inconsistency in one version of the White House website being in Espaňol?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm sorry. I'm not sure exactly the connection that you're trying to make.

Q Well, I just wondered if the National Anthem should be in English alone, why do you have a multilingual White House website?

MR. McCLELLAN: There are people in this country that come from all kinds of different heritages, and we should be celebrating people's heritage. The President has, going back to his days as governor -- maybe you were not paying attention in yesterday's briefing -- has talked about the importance of having an English-plus approach in America. That's something that he advocated while he was governor, and that says that it's important for people that come to this country to learn English, to be able to speak English, and to read and write in English. He also recognizes the importance of respect for people's heritage. And that's why, as governor, he talked about bilingual programs can be helpful if they're working to achieve the result of helping people to learn this country's language.

What a great orator. I just hope that Scotty has a fine future awaiting him at Fox News, or failing that, the media. Goodness knows the time is long overdue for a Republican Jerry Springer!