And some even bigger site changes

Submitted by Rick Eyre on December 3 2005, 2:45 pm

You've probably noticed some of these already, but here we go:

Firstly, I have now merged my old blog with the current one, and this makes for a fairly comprehensive compilation of all the cricket-related stuff that I have written since 1996 that isn't owned by Anyone Else. (Hence the gap from 1997 to 2001. - If you do want to see the stuff I have written or edited that is owned by Anyone Else, follow this link.)

Secondly, I've put in a new contact form for myself.

Thirdly - the biggie - I have parted company with the PostNuke CMS that I had been using on this website since mid-2004. The software not been consistently maintained, and it doesn't even appear on the radar of the most recommended open source CMS'es. Most of its features will not be re-implemented under the banner.

The demolition of the Postnuke site means that I no longer require user registrations on I have now deleted the database tables that contained user data for this website.

Finally, all this has given me the opportunity to redesign the cricket homepage to bring its appearance more into line with the blog section, as well (I think) as presenting the content a bit better.

If you have any comments, questions, (or expressions of interest in sponsoring The Net Sessions), please give that "Feedback to Rick" link a whirl!