Daily Twitter Posts - 03/10/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on October 4 2012, 5:21 pm

16:15 @SDBrook wait till you see the Alan Jones edition of QI #
15:52 I just had to. New on my blog, a tribute to the thespian career of Mr John Laws - http://t.co/t7qV8fco #
15:18 When are you getting Jonesy on #qanda? MT @QandA: Political commentator Piers Akerman joins Monday's #QandA panel #
15:16 My daughter's school's vege garden was vandalised before the school hols. They need help getting restarted http://t.co/iRrtz45c (via @SAKGF) #
12:13 Sack Greiner. #sackgreiner #flicknick #
11:35 Nick Greiner? John Laws? What is it with these over-the-hill Sydney dinosaurs coming out of the woodwork? (and Alan Jones, for that matter) #
11:21 Team selection crisis at Sydney FC. RT @InnerWestNews: Sydney FC orders extra 15,000 jerseys... http://t.co/L1fEb8Gz #
10:22 An unconvincing explanation of the difference in men's and women's living allowances at the World T20 #Cricket event - http://t.co/7wBKPEkS #
09:10 Is it any coincidence that the word Mashable has the letters S M and H in it? #
08:44 Storfication via @shoba_rao of reaction to last night's John Laws interview. (I score a spot in this) http://t.co/lfPqcyQ5 #
07:45 Today's @breakfastnews is brought to you by Coca-Cola, Valvoline and 2SM #
07:37 John Laws: "I'm a performer". Nails the occupation of Jones, Sandilands, Hadley etc right there. Not broadcaster, not presenter #