Daily Twitter Posts - 02/10/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on October 3 2012, 4:50 pm

21:15 mind you, I've always found a way around that in the past - http://t.co/S5AWFnIf #
21:13 I'd write a blog post about Alan Jones except that I resolved ages ago never to let his name sully my website #
16:59 sounds like @abc730 will be a wasteful use of taxpayer's oxygen tonight #
12:51 I would never have anticipated that "Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3" would be playing to sold-out sessions. #
09:59 "I made no qualification then to my apology" - Alan Jones, discussing his 45-minute unqualified apology #
09:26 I'm confused. Do we really need home shopping television in High Definition? #
08:44 The Canterbury Bulldogs provide more reasons why #MadMonday should be scrapped - http://t.co/FTdfVAR6 #nrl #
07:21 there are 41 people named Alan Jones listed on IMdB http://t.co/GIIrtpp4 You're looking for number XVIII. #
07:15 Hey @SwannyDPM it's possible to listen to Alan Jones *and* eat cardboard for breakfast at the same time. Ever heard of corn flakes? #
07:10 Melbourne newspaper demands cancellation of Sydney radio show - http://t.co/5WkK7CSG (pic via @latikambourke) #
06:38 why are people live-tweeting that nasty man's radio show? #