Daily Twitter Posts - 06/09/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on September 7 2012, 9:39 am

23:22 Excuse me? The #tenlate people have tweets printed out for them to read off sheets of paper? #
21:26 Not that UFO. RT @RT_com: BREAKING: UFO Strike: Lufthansa cancels 1,200 flights, over 100,000 to be affected http://t.co/UvxxTNqX #
20:37 what's this? Channel 10 have made a Young Julian Assange movie? #
19:56 "Dotty Berk" has to be one of the best names for a spammer I have ever seen. #
09:21 I was sitting next to a chap earlier who was writing. Handwriting on a notepad. With pen and paper. People don't do that on trains any more. #
08:51 Why is the train guard giving us handy advice on what to do before boarding the train that we've already boarded? #
07:51 Great win by the @aussierollers over Poland 76-53. Next stop: USA in the semis! #wcbasketball #paralympics #
07:49 ''The fat lard of something landed on top of me' The (physical) clash of two disendorsed Liberals in #Holroyd http://t.co/syIk1BzP #nswlocal #
07:46 Who is John Marlowe and what is role in the Australia First party? http://t.co/YueOHLEs #bluemountains #nswlocal #
07:34 come back Jaiku, all is forgiven! #
07:33 Twitter's Development Display Requirements document is a chilling masterpiece of corporate doublespeak - https://t.co/cSBsxa2B #
07:23 Twitter is shutting down XML, RSS and Atom feeds with its new API (but at least they give us 6 months notice) - https://t.co/PpnXZ9dS #