Daily Twitter Posts - 04/09/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on September 5 2012, 9:19 am

23:20 Just discovered that one of my tweets was quoted in an SMH online article four months ago - http://t.co/fCGKavtZ #
22:14 Perhaps BOF could save money on the 2016 state election and get each electorate to run its own ballot. #nswpol #nswlocal #
22:12 Now this is ambitious. Sutherland Shire is running its own election *and* promising live results on its own website - http://t.co/sj9zfjCp #
22:10 Gunnedah Council is also running its own elections. Its website points to the NSW Electoral Commission which points back to the council site #
22:04 Lane Cove Council is proudly anticipating cost savings of 25% by running their council elections in-house - http://t.co/OJKrDNxa #nswlocal #
20:19 How US college football teams cope with defeat on their Facebook pages. Some just go quiet. http://t.co/fAZ62cMr #
20:13 Scottish Sun cancels book serialisation after Rangers fans jam switchboard http://t.co/hN2AszT1 via @guardian #
18:59 did I hear Leigh Sales say @abc730 is doing a pole-dancing story tonight? #
17:55 Two video refs in the #NRL finals? Two? Who has the casting vote if they disagree? #
17:24 Bing. RT @JohnJohnsonson: QUICK QUESTION: what's the best website for googling stuff? #
17:23 @Elliott1950 I actually vaguely recall his show there being telecast on ch9. Must have been *the* nightspot at the time. #
15:54 the moral of today's lesson is that I should take my own SEO more seriously #
15:39 looking at my search results of my name, I feel a little sorry for the photographer from Wisconsin and the firefighter from Staffordshire #
15:37 and there you have it. The Australian Women's Weekly is to be sold to a German publisher #
15:21 even my contributor's page on The Roar, for which I wrote three articles in 2009-10, comes way ahead of my own blog #
15:18 hmm top Google search result for "rick eyre" is my top level domain. 2nd is linkedin profile, twitter a/cs 5th 6th 7th. Blog is on 3rd page! #
13:24 #ohChris RT @CUhlmann: Technical question. Can Ed Husic be part of Labor’s Education "Crusade"? Discuss. #
12:47 @evilpandas yes I've seen the signs on the street. It's been a long time getting to this stage #
12:33 There's a lot of rubble where the Marrickville RSL used to be. #
09:38 This'll be good RT @Pollytics So the Qld government has an account @QLD_Mythbusters that Newman just encouraged you all to ask questions to. #
08:54 no thank you Google+, I will NOT be turning on Find My Face now or ever. #
07:25 How copyright enforcement robots killed the Hugo Awards - @io9 http://t.co/YuniVlwE #
06:36 Another day, another "Tinkler misses payment" story - RT @newcastleherald: http://t.co/mWvQNqfJ" #