Daily Twitter Posts - 20/08/2012

Submitted by dailytwitter on August 21 2012, 4:07 am

22:39 wow. watching Anna Burke turfing TAbbott from the House. Should be more of it. #auspol #lateline #
22:30 hmm I appear to have accidentally watched a full hour of #qanda #
22:30 oh not Germaine next week. #qanda #
22:22 see Hildebrand retweeted into my timeline makes me realise how much I haven't missed him since I unfollowed him #
21:52 skeletons. closets. 1990s. take it away Richo. #qanda #
21:38 let Assange go to America. Apparently rape is legitimate there so he's got nothing to worry about. #qanda #
21:36 please welcome to #qanda Embodiment of Everything That Is Bad About Labor, Graham Richardson #
21:19 hmm #qanda might be worth watching if and only if Dougie gets stuck into Richo #
20:38 #nrl Official clarification of the obstruction rule - till the next time: http://t.co/2EidZJWm #
20:30 sounds like a definite Must-Not-See #qanda tonight #
19:10 John-Michael Howson suspended by 3AW for four weeks. http://t.co/LRpnGuGq How many listeners does his show have anyway? #
17:36 I don't think Michael Pascoe likes Larry Pickering - http://t.co/5TGuJK0E #
13:28 First they play State of Origin in Melbourne. Now they're going to host Masterchef. What is next?? #
13:15 Good to see our #London2012 athletes receiving a street parade more promptly than our Vietnam veterans did. #
10:25 another day, another Nathan Tinkler non/late/under-payment story - http://t.co/AtzCehVm #
10:05 and of course 3AW has the complete audio - http://t.co/fkOoXzbE #
09:59 3AW. John-Michael Howson. Christine Assange. What could possibly go wrong? http://t.co/NEESkUqR #
09:41 OMG! Wanna know how to see who's viewing your Twitter profile? Stand behind them and look over their shoulder. #
09:05 Australia finishes 4th. RT @IBAF_Baseball: (20 Aug 2012, 00:59) Women’s BWC: Canada wins Bronze Medal after Slugfest http://t.co/k4dN8wb7 #
07:56 from @dwabriz on the Gillard/Wilson/Slater/Gordon matter. I love his smackdown of Larry Pickering - http://t.co/UfjfMP0I #auspol #
07:43 great interview by @karina_carv on @breakfastnews. Christine Assange doesn't like being distracted from her talking points, does she? #