Daily Twitter Posts - 21/12/2011

Submitted by dailytwitter on December 22 2011, 1:27 am

18:40 I should watch NBN's 6pm hour of evening news more often. Brief item on North Korea just after 6.30 and now on a roll with animal "stories" #
08:22 Worst headline of the day? Or just a bit fishy. RT @RANews: Tonga's tuna industry flounders http://t.co/gUz8I1ps #
08:15 Thank you and farewell. RT @Letters2theEd: Thank you, it’s been a blast. A farewell from the Ed. http://t.co/6rxi9dPT #
07:59 It's Christmas and the jolly man with a beard is back. @HumanHeadline has returned to Twitter. #