Daily Twitter Posts - 14/12/2011

Submitted by dailytwitter on December 15 2011, 11:44 pm

22:35 Just a reminder that I now tweet #cricket on @rickeyrecricket and only deal with the rest of the universe here #
22:13 A dummy's guide: Making sense of #COP17 - @mailandguardian http://t.co/fldFJVp0 via @mailandguardian #
21:03 Well that was good timing. Rahul Dravid finished his oration online before Malcolm Tucker starts his on #abc1. #
19:38 I wonder if Tony Abbott's sitting back at home looking at the #PNG situation with envy. #auspol #
18:22 Trying to imagine Quentin Bryce being sacked and Peter Slipper becoming the Governor-General... #png #auspol #
18:14 Another amazing day in Papua New Guinea. Is the Governor-General being sacked? Follow @Tavurvur who is tweeting the unfolding situation. #
15:28 My #cricket followers should note that I am now spluttering about Phil Hughes' withdrawal from the #BBL over on @rickeyrecricket #
10:11 Well done The Oz. Their photo of Julia Gillard at Sir Zelman Cowan's funeral points out that Peter Slipper was sitting behind her. #
09:47 ooh. BOF and Bailieu to set to announce a "mini-COAG"? While not go the whole hog and secede? #auspol #nswpol #
09:38 So #PNG has two police chiefs as well as two prime ministers? This could get nasty - http://t.co/vaP3SitN #
09:12 (unless, of course, it's in response to someone mentioning DK Lillie, Belinda Clarke or Ian Healey) #cricket @rickeyrecricket #
09:10 A reminder that my #cricket followers can now avoid my obsessive typo correction tweets by following me at @rickeyrecricket #
09:08 I'm guessing that's Livingstone at New Canterbury. MT @TrafficSydInner: PETERSHAM Livingstone Road at Stanmore Road - HAZARD Spillage. #
08:31 Reminds me to do the Christmas cards. RT @newscientist: Cheques get lost in the mail - but precious moon rocks? http://t.co/x8xDmhwV #
08:21 RT @atompkins: How long will people just give away their photographs and videos to journalism organizations? http://t.co/YH1CZEL5 #