Albie Sachs

Submitted by Rick Eyre on July 29 2005, 8:54 am

With Justice Albie Sachs due to hand down his decision on the appeal against Saurav Ganguly's suspension later today, I thought it might be interesting to revisit his recent interview on BBC World's Hardtalk program.

While he doesn't discuss the Ganguly case or even cricket at all in the interview with the BBC's Steven Sackur, it does provide an interesting insight into the man whose day job is as a Justice of the South African Constitutional Court.

Also interesting to hear that, as a member of the ANC, he was for a time denied entry to the United States on the basis that he was a terrorist. The US Government has been making a mess of the war on terror for decades.

Here is the link to the Hardtalk page on the Albie Sachs interview, which includes a link to the 25 minute dialup quality real-video program.